Scientific curators

The curators conduct collection-based research and use a substantial amount of their non-research time on scientific curation of their respective collections. Curators are normally specialists within the subjects they manage, and have academic and historical insight into their curated collections. Based on the strategy for each collection, curators are expected to assess the research and exhibition potentials of their collection, and are responsible for the management and enrichment of the collection through collections, exchanges, sending out of specimens for specialist identification, and invitations to outside specialists.

Image from the collections

(Photo: Birgitte Rubæk)

Curators are responsible for the scientific training of collection managers, conservators and preparators, scientific guidance of visitors and students, and for the growth and quality of the associated collection databases.

Furthermore, the scientific curators are also responsible for loans; including approval, selection of specimens, and recalls. They also preside of deaccessions of collection material, the systematic disposition of each collection, as well as sorting and identification of specimens.

Finally, curators take care of scientific communications of the collections, including inquiries from the public. They are also scientific consultants for the museums exhibitions, communications department, and as scientific resources for the relevant parts of the amateur natural history community within botany, geology and zoology in Denmark.

Collection managers

The museum’s conservators and collection managers are responsible for the practical day-to-day management of the collections. They treat and preserve specimens which enter into and are present in the collections; labelling, refilling of alcohol and glycerine etc.

The collection managers are also responsible for the physical facilities for storage (layout, furniture and materials), rearrangement and organisation of specimens, setting out specimens for visiting researchers, loans, teaching etc. including proper packaging and sending out of loans.

Image from the collections

Curators and Collection Managers



Collection Manager

Historical collection & library

Nikolaj Scharff

Anne Lif Jacobsen


General herbarium

Natasha de Vere

Jens Soelberg & Hannah May Elvery

Greenland herbarium

Natasha de Vere

Jens Soelberg & Hannah May Elvery

Danish herbarium

Natasha de Vere

Jens Soelberg & Hannah May Elvery

Bryophyte herbarium

Nina Lundholm

Christian Lange

Algal herbarium

Nina Lundholm

Christian Lange

Fungal herbarium

João Araújo

Christian Lange

Lichen herbarium

Nina Lundholm

Christian Lange

Queen Ingrids Herbarium

Without curator 

Jens Soelberg & Hannah May Elvery

Agicultural University herbarium

Without curator

Jens Soelberg & Hannah May Elvery

Plant Pathology

Without curator

Christian Lange



Nikolaj Scharff

Anders Illum, Jan Pedersen & Sree Selvantharan


Henrik Enghoff

Anders IllumJan Pedersen & Sree Selvantharan


Alexey Solodovnikov

Anders Illum, Jan Pedersen & Sree Selvantharan


Thomas Pape

Anders Illum, Jan Pedersen & Sree Selvantharan


Lars Vilhelmsen

Anders Illum, Jan Pedersen & Sree Selvantharan


Thomas Pape

Anders Illum, Jan Pedersen & Sree Selvantharan

Hemiptera and smaller insect orders

Lars Vilhelmsen

Anders Illum, Jan Pedersen & Sree Selvantharan

Amber collection

Lars Vilhelmsen

Anders Illum, Jan Pedersen & Sree Selvantharan


Martin Vinther Sørensen

Tom Schiøtte

Echinodermata – Tentaculata

Jørgen Olesen

Tom Schiøtte


Jørgen Olesen

Danny Eibye-Jacobsen

Vermes (Polychaeta etc.)

Jørgen Olesen

Danny Eibye-Jacobsen


Martin Vinther Sørensen

Laura Pavesi

Cnidaria - Ctenophora

Martin Vinther Sørensen

Laura Pavesi


Laura Cotton

Laura Pavesi

Platyhelminthes, "Aschelminthes" & Proarthropoda

Martin Vinther Sørensen

Laura Pavesi

Herpetology (Reptiles and amphibians)

Mark Scherz

Daniel Klingberg Johansson

Mammalogy (Mammals)

Peter Rask Møller

Daniel Klingberg Johansson & Mikkel Høegh Post

Ichthyology (Fish)

Peter Rask Møller

Mackenzie Kinney

Ornithology (Birds)

Peter Andrew Hosner

Jesper Mandrup Jensen


Danekræ fossil trove

Laura Cotton

Bent Lindow 

Meteorite collection

Martin Bizzarro

Fredrikke Kern

Quaternary Zoology

Kurt Kjær

Bent Lindow

Quaternary Stratigraphy and Sediments

Kurt Kjær

Bent Lindow


Kurt Kjær

Arden Bashforth

Mineral collection

Michael Storey

Fredrikke Kern

Vertebrate Palaeontology

Laura Cotton

Bent Lindow

Petrography and Dynamic Geology

Without curator

Fredrikke Kern

Palaeontology Type collection

Laura Cotton

Arden Bashforth

Paleozoic Invertebrates

Laura Cotton

Arden Bashforth 

Mesozoic and Cenozoic Invertebrates

Laura Cotton

Arden Bashforth